Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dog diabetes

We love our pets and one of the diseases that we fear most is dog diabetes. We feed them at regular intervals and do what it takes, to take good care of them. Some dogs become highly trained under efficient trainers. Pets are probably our best friends, being loyal to us for their entire life.

So, it comes as a shock when, we first hear that our dog suffers from diabetes! We cannot seem to fathom that fact. However, first thing that I would advise you is, to just relax. “Canine diabetes” is a very common problem. You don`t need to worry. Just ensure that your pet takes regular doses of insulin apart from a few other medicines, which is prescribed only after checking the condition of a particular dog…. and your pet should be fine. The medicinal science has come a long way and today having diabetes, for a dog i.e, does not mean the end of all lovely treats that you used to give it.

But “what if…??” There are a lot of those “iffy” questions about pets, merely because of the lack of information regarding their health. So, I think its high time that I allay all of those myths. Being a dog owner, I have gathered a lot of info about the diseases, which might plague them.

According to NHVS (National health and veterinary science) of the United States, a research has indicated that around one in every 500 dogs get affected by diabetes. With proper treatment, these dogs are able to lead a normal life. One little thing you can start with today is planning a diet for a dog with diabetes. So, you should not worry… neither, should your dog!!

What is Dog Diabetes?

Dog diabetes is a disease characterized by inadequate production of insulin from the pancreas, leading to elevated blood glucose levels. The exact cause is generally unknown. Consequently, treatment and resolution of this illness will usually depend upon your replacing the insulin by injection on a daily basis. So, just take due care and your dog should be fine.

The fact of the matter is… the more you know about this condition, the more success doctors have in helping you resolve or improve your pet’s condition. Successful treatment also relies on the early diagnosis of this disease, so keep a constant tab on your pet. In addition to this, plan frequent medical check-ups for it. “Diabetes mellitus” is a disease which causes increased sugar (known as glucose) in a dog’s bloodstream.

Now, the big question is how to know if your dog is suffering from diabetes? That`s a very critical and a pertinent question for each and every dog owner. So, I would like to mention a few of the classic symptoms:

  • A sudden or an unexplained weight-loss.
  • Your pet starts drinking water in large volumes.
  • Your pet starts urinating rather more frequently.

These are some of the hallmark symptoms of dog diabetes. Sometimes though, pets become seriously ill, all of a sudden & may require intensive care. That illness is known as Ketoacidosis. But this is a very advanced stage, if you take due care of your pet then, there is no reason to suspect otherwise.

Remember, any dog could become diabetic but overweight or older dogs are more prone to this disease. Dogs generally tend to respond better to the treatment when compared with the same disease in humans. So, you won`t have to worry too much, as they don`t require an hour-by-hour monitoring.

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