Friday, March 13, 2009

Diets for Dogs with Diabetes

Today, the healthcare industry has become so proficient that not only humans, but even pets are able to live longer life with diseases like dog diabetes. Yes, you heard it right. Diseases like diabetes in dogs have become more controllable than ever before, with right medication and most significantly, a proper and controlled diet.

The veterinarian is the best person who can advice you on what food your dog should eat. The intention is to keep an eye on its weight swing and prevent large sway in blood glucose. The best would be to go for a balanced diet. However, in extreme cases, the doctor might recommend that you go for a diabetic diet. It is to be noted that a diet that works for one diabetic dog may not work for another. Some simple rules that need to be followed for managing dog diabetes are:

* High fat food is not suitable for a dog that has an inflammation of the pancreas.
* A weight loss diet is very much applicable for an overweight dog.
* Foods rich in fiber content are suggested along with insulin to manage diabetes.

Homemade Diets for Dogs with Diabetes

Unless you are absolutely sure of what you are making, homemade diets are a strict no for diabetic dogs. Only when your dog refuses to eat a commercial diet, is this suggested.

Commercial Diets for Dogs with Diabetes

This diet gives the owner and the doctor more options when recommending food for a diabetic dog. The main advantage of this diet is that they are steadier when it comes to ingredients, which ultimately results in managing the sugar level.

Again, all these healthy food is useful only when your dog wishes to eat. The owner will have to try various combinations before finalizing on a diet, which the dog will enjoy.

Tips for feeding a diabetic dog

* In order to make a diabetic dog like his food, try different flavors of food.
* One can go for planned food suggested by the veterinarian.
* Same amount of food needs to be fed everyday, as the insulin doses are set to match the amount of food.
* Before giving insulin, make sure you feed your dog. It is always advisable to feed your dog twice a day.
* If you have other pets in your house, then do make sure that even they are on a twice-a-day feeding schedule to make sure that the infected one does not eat from their bowls.
* Keep a close watch at the water intake level of your dog. If you feel that he has started drinking more water than usual, then you might want to call your veterinarian to adjust the insulin dose.

One important thing to remember is that managing diabetes also means keeping a close watch on its activity levels. Exercise tends to burn up the glucose level. Hence, maintaining a steady exercise schedule is very important. The insulin regime will take into account that amount of exercise and help with dog diabetes.

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