Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dog Diabetes Symptoms

Diabetes is a disease which is caused as a result of functional or absolute deficiency of insulin and knowing what dog diabetes symptoms are will help you catch the disease earlier than normal. This basically signifies that either pancreas is producing less insulin or the receipting cells on which insulin acts are not accepting the insulin and this reduces the effectiveness of insulin. Metabolism is a process wherein the body breaks down components of the diet into several usable components such as fatty acids, sugars, amino acids, and transfers stored energy into usable components. The body usually goes in starvation mode, which is a sign of dog diabetes symptoms.

Dogs are very much prone to diabetes and there are three forms of diabetes which are common among dogs. These are popularly known as diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, and gestational diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is believed to be the commonest among dogs. A brief understanding of them is worth it.

Understanding Dog Diabetes Symptoms

Diabetes Mellitus: This is a disorder wherein the body faces deficiency in production of insulin or get insensitive to it. With the progress of the disease, the dog diabetes symptoms worsens and aggravates.

Dog Diabetes
Insipidus: This leads to an abnormal increase in the urine output, fluid intake, and thirst.

Gestational Diabetes: This occurs in female dogs during pregnancy and this is caused as their body is unable to produce enough insulin or is unable to use the insulin properly.

One would wonder the causes behind Diabetes mellitus. However, there is no single reason behind such a disease in dogs, though researches show association of some hormonal diseases, pancreatic inflammation, and certain drugs to the development of cures for dog diabetes symptoms. There are certain breeds of dogs like Puli, Miniature Pinscher, Cairn terrier and Keeshonden, which are more prone to such diseases. Also over-represented are Poodles, Dachshunds and Beagles which are known to be at higher risk for diabetes.

Major Dog Diabetes Symptoms

The major symptoms of diabetes in dogs are essentially noteworthy.

* Excessive urination
* Pale, almost clear, urine color.
* Weight loss despite increased appetite.
* Extreme thirst
* Vision problem due to cataracts
* Liver malfunction
* Increased chronic infections (e.g. bladder).

Diabetes mellitus is a major disorder and gradually the symptom tends to become more serious and debilitating. The symptom in the later stage includes increased dehydration and anorexia. This is also coupled by an increase in infection. Dog diabetes as a disease is extremely fatal and it affects the eyes of the dogs very badly. Development of cataract is commonly found in diabetic dogs because high blood glucose levels leads to water building in the lens of the eye thereby leading to swelling, cataract, and lens fiber rupture. Even if you handle dog diabetes treatment correctly and carefully, many dogs go blind, as it leads to cataract. This is almost an unavoidable condition in dogs with diabetes. Though it can be surgically removed, yet the dog fails to regain its full eyesight. Apart from affecting eyesight, diabetic ketoacidosis is yet another common problem which occurs when a diabetic dog has an insulin deficiency and this is yet another serious medical condition coupled with diabetes.

Hence proper care needs to be taken of dogs suffering from diabetes and that too at an initial stage.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

What Causes Dog Diabetes?

Understanding what causes dog diabetes is becoming a very common question for pet owners. According to reports, 1 out of every 500 dog is a diabetic. For a pet lover, it is a caring gesture to find out what causes of dog diabetes. As, for a dog, it is just as dangerous to suffer from diabetes as it is for any human.

Let us summarize the facts, which will speak about the causes of diabetes in dogs and recognize its symptoms. Let this article give you a clear picture on how to give your pet a longer, healthier, and a happier life.

First cause of dog diabetes: Pancreas damage

Now, the cause is the same as in humans - the damage of pancreas, which produces insulin for the body. Insulin is a small protein and a hormone, which regulates metabolism in your dog’s body. Due to a problem with the immune system, the cells in the pancreas are destroyed, which results in decrease or a complete stop in the insulin production, which ultimately means that your dog can no longer use the food that it eats. So, when there is no glucose development, then the food that you give your pet is not used at all.

Other causes are: reaction to drugs, genetic problems, and pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).

Most common causes of dog diabetes: Heredity

One thing to be noted is that the dog diabetes doesn’t have many external causes. One of the very common causes is heredity. This indicates that if the parents are suffering from diabetes, then it is very obvious that the child would inherit the disease.

So, one of the main things for a breeder to take care is the medical history of the dog that he would like to breed. A complete medical check up is a must so that one can be assured that the dog has no health conditions that may get passed upon to the puppies.

Apart from this, infectious diseases and virus can cause diabetes. It is very much possible that diabetes can get triggered from a very prolonged disease that your dog might have had which could have affected the pancreas which in turn may have triggered abnormal production of insulin. Cushing’s disease is one such example, which can trigger diabetes.

Can steroid use cause dog diabetes?

Use of steroids can be a factor too. Regular steroid shots on a dog can trigger dog diabetes. Steroids affect the function of pancreas which ultimately results in less production of insulin.

The main target of dog diabetes is the middle-aged dogs, which is about six to nine years. However, at the same time younger dogs can also be the target. Studies show that female dogs are more vulnerable to the disease because of the hormonal changes during pregnancy. Other breeds that are susceptible to this disease are miniature pinschers, cairn terriers, and keeshonds.

Please note that this disease is a grave condition that needs to be addressed right away. It is a silent killer which affects the entire body system and ultimately results in death. Hence, identifying it at a very early stage is very important.

Now that you are clear about the causes of diabetes in dogs, please take vigorous interest in your dog’s health, which will allow them to live longer and have a more productive life.

Natural remedies for Dog Diabetes

Natural remedies for dog diabetes are available, if you know where to look. Dog diabetes is a disease of the endocrine system caused by deficiency of insulin. This disease is found more in dogs between the ages of five and seven and it is observed that the female dogs are more susceptible to dog diabetes. Also it is observed that dogs with obesity are more prone to such disease. Proper management of dog diabetes starts from home itself. Though veterinarians prescribe best mode of treatment yet there are certain natural remedies for dog diabetes which can add up to your dog’s relief. Infected dogs can use natural herbs to enable them live normally.

There are certain natural herbs which are essentially effective in treating dog diabetes. The following are worth mentioning and deserves a special attention.

Sample natural remedies for treating dog diabetes

* Vinegar: Alleviation of diabetes is related to application of vinegar, the apple cider vinegar. It is to be added to the dog’s water and this act as an energy booster to the dog’s current medications. Regular usage of this will enable pets to be free from diabetes related health problems.

* Bejak: This herb is scientifically known as pterocarpus marsupium and is known ever since the prehistoric times. Since those yester days it has been highly effective for treating diabetes. Bejak has natural properties which is capable of reducing the presence of blood sugar. It is considered to be highly effective as a natural remedy for dog diabetes, especially for those with deteriorating physical conditions in lieu of the disease.

* Karela is yet another natural herb that helps diabetic dogs. This not merely stimulates the pancreas for producing more insulin but also rectifies abnormalities in the dog’s digestive tract. It increases absorption of food in stomach and is another excellent option for a dog diabetes natural remedy.

* Cinnamon is another great natural remedy for dog diabetes. This should be sprinkled in the dog’s food and it works as a substitute of insulin. However excessive usage might not be liked by your dog.

* Grapefruit is yet another natural remedy which helps in managing weight. Overweight dogs are more prone to diabetes and hence grapefruit works miraculously in this regard.

* Gurmar scientifically known as Gymnema Sylvestre is capable of maintaining dog’s blood sugar level to a normal level. It has been proved since a long period and treats all kinds of abnormalities related to dog’s diabetes.

Herbal plants as dog diabetes natural remedies

The extracts of several herbal plants like bitter gourd, bitter melon, turmeric, and fenugreek seeds act as an effective natural ingredient for treating diabetes in dogs. These herbs added to tea or water should be given to dogs affected with diabetes on a regular basis. This would help them keep away from the pains of diabetes.

Moreover management of dog diabetes natural remedy treatment is related to dog’s diet to a considerable extent. There are certain foods which might worsen the condition of the dog and hence a proper monitoring is essential. Though vets can be the best judge in this regard yet the natural remedies needs to be coupled along with the prescribed medication. These natural remedies for dog diabetes care are easily available in the household ingredients, you just have to take proper note of them and implement them accordingly.

Dog Diabetes Treatment

Dog diabetes treatment is a serious matter in pet health nowadays. While most people think that diabetes is just for us, people – it isn't really so. Today dogs are increasingly being affected by diabetes and it is on the rise. Dogs of some breeds like German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Poodles, Keeshonds and Miniature Pinschers are more vulnerable to the diabetes disease. Females are more prone to develop diabetes among dogs. However, with the development of medical science this fairly common disease has become increasingly manageable and treatable which certainly is good news for many.

Where to Start with Dog Diabetes Treatment?

The most vital and initial stage of dog diabetes treatment is visiting a vet. It ensures a proper diagnosis of the disease. Treatments vary from dog to dog; however, it is pretty much similar to that of humans which is dependant on insulin and diet control. A brief discussion regarding dog diabetes treatment is essential.

Insulin therapy is the simplest treatment and it can be carried at home as shown in the veterinary health care clinic. Following proper instructions, such as proper mixing, proper storage, and proper dosing, can lead to significant effects on insulin treatment. This dosage is properly monitored by the vet and studies reveal even very fine and small insulin are well tolerated by dogs. However, the dose depends on the dog’s body weight and individual needs. This insulin therapy is followed by a monitoring of blood glucose curve. This test effectively monitors the effect of insulin on dogs and its effectiveness. A proper note also needs to be taken on the effects of exercise, diet, and insulin on lowering blood sugar levels and reducing blood sugar swings. For long-term insulin therapy this test is very essential.

Treating Dog Diabetes with Controlled Diets

Diet is another important factor which plays a major role in treating dog diabetes. Studies have shown that treatment for diabetes is highly ineffective in overweight dogs. Hence managing the diet of an overweight dog is quintessential. The diet chart for a middle-aged obese diabetic dog is not at all applicable for a severely underweight diabetic dog. Feeding is prescribed twice daily coinciding with insulin injections. Vets would help overweight dogs with adequate exercise in order to ensure your dog a healthier weight. The underlying statement remains – love for dogs does not merely mean overfeeding for them! Similarly lack of proper and healthy diet might lead to low blood sugar crisis in dogs. This leads to lethargy, weakness, and sometimes seizures. In such cases, corn syrup is applied to the gums and also additional intravenous glucose for stabilizing the dogs.

Oral hypoglycemic drugs are also available as an alternative to insulin injections and depending on the requirement the vets usually prescribe the medicines.

Finally one thing should be kept in mind, treating dog diabetes demands proper commitment from the owner. However a regular followup with re-evaluations and ongoing therapy adjustments in order to provide proper care is essential. A good care and proper therapy can provide dogs a good quality of life, and as a dog owner, you should take proper responsibility in order to ensure a normal life for your dog.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Diets for Dogs with Diabetes

Today, the healthcare industry has become so proficient that not only humans, but even pets are able to live longer life with diseases like dog diabetes. Yes, you heard it right. Diseases like diabetes in dogs have become more controllable than ever before, with right medication and most significantly, a proper and controlled diet.

The veterinarian is the best person who can advice you on what food your dog should eat. The intention is to keep an eye on its weight swing and prevent large sway in blood glucose. The best would be to go for a balanced diet. However, in extreme cases, the doctor might recommend that you go for a diabetic diet. It is to be noted that a diet that works for one diabetic dog may not work for another. Some simple rules that need to be followed for managing dog diabetes are:

* High fat food is not suitable for a dog that has an inflammation of the pancreas.
* A weight loss diet is very much applicable for an overweight dog.
* Foods rich in fiber content are suggested along with insulin to manage diabetes.

Homemade Diets for Dogs with Diabetes

Unless you are absolutely sure of what you are making, homemade diets are a strict no for diabetic dogs. Only when your dog refuses to eat a commercial diet, is this suggested.

Commercial Diets for Dogs with Diabetes

This diet gives the owner and the doctor more options when recommending food for a diabetic dog. The main advantage of this diet is that they are steadier when it comes to ingredients, which ultimately results in managing the sugar level.

Again, all these healthy food is useful only when your dog wishes to eat. The owner will have to try various combinations before finalizing on a diet, which the dog will enjoy.

Tips for feeding a diabetic dog

* In order to make a diabetic dog like his food, try different flavors of food.
* One can go for planned food suggested by the veterinarian.
* Same amount of food needs to be fed everyday, as the insulin doses are set to match the amount of food.
* Before giving insulin, make sure you feed your dog. It is always advisable to feed your dog twice a day.
* If you have other pets in your house, then do make sure that even they are on a twice-a-day feeding schedule to make sure that the infected one does not eat from their bowls.
* Keep a close watch at the water intake level of your dog. If you feel that he has started drinking more water than usual, then you might want to call your veterinarian to adjust the insulin dose.

One important thing to remember is that managing diabetes also means keeping a close watch on its activity levels. Exercise tends to burn up the glucose level. Hence, maintaining a steady exercise schedule is very important. The insulin regime will take into account that amount of exercise and help with dog diabetes.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dog diabetes

We love our pets and one of the diseases that we fear most is dog diabetes. We feed them at regular intervals and do what it takes, to take good care of them. Some dogs become highly trained under efficient trainers. Pets are probably our best friends, being loyal to us for their entire life.

So, it comes as a shock when, we first hear that our dog suffers from diabetes! We cannot seem to fathom that fact. However, first thing that I would advise you is, to just relax. “Canine diabetes” is a very common problem. You don`t need to worry. Just ensure that your pet takes regular doses of insulin apart from a few other medicines, which is prescribed only after checking the condition of a particular dog…. and your pet should be fine. The medicinal science has come a long way and today having diabetes, for a dog i.e, does not mean the end of all lovely treats that you used to give it.

But “what if…??” There are a lot of those “iffy” questions about pets, merely because of the lack of information regarding their health. So, I think its high time that I allay all of those myths. Being a dog owner, I have gathered a lot of info about the diseases, which might plague them.

According to NHVS (National health and veterinary science) of the United States, a research has indicated that around one in every 500 dogs get affected by diabetes. With proper treatment, these dogs are able to lead a normal life. One little thing you can start with today is planning a diet for a dog with diabetes. So, you should not worry… neither, should your dog!!

What is Dog Diabetes?

Dog diabetes is a disease characterized by inadequate production of insulin from the pancreas, leading to elevated blood glucose levels. The exact cause is generally unknown. Consequently, treatment and resolution of this illness will usually depend upon your replacing the insulin by injection on a daily basis. So, just take due care and your dog should be fine.

The fact of the matter is… the more you know about this condition, the more success doctors have in helping you resolve or improve your pet’s condition. Successful treatment also relies on the early diagnosis of this disease, so keep a constant tab on your pet. In addition to this, plan frequent medical check-ups for it. “Diabetes mellitus” is a disease which causes increased sugar (known as glucose) in a dog’s bloodstream.

Now, the big question is how to know if your dog is suffering from diabetes? That`s a very critical and a pertinent question for each and every dog owner. So, I would like to mention a few of the classic symptoms:

  • A sudden or an unexplained weight-loss.
  • Your pet starts drinking water in large volumes.
  • Your pet starts urinating rather more frequently.

These are some of the hallmark symptoms of dog diabetes. Sometimes though, pets become seriously ill, all of a sudden & may require intensive care. That illness is known as Ketoacidosis. But this is a very advanced stage, if you take due care of your pet then, there is no reason to suspect otherwise.

Remember, any dog could become diabetic but overweight or older dogs are more prone to this disease. Dogs generally tend to respond better to the treatment when compared with the same disease in humans. So, you won`t have to worry too much, as they don`t require an hour-by-hour monitoring.